Saturday, May 9, 2015

20 Blessings & Counting

20 years old sounds so much older than 19. In reality, I don't feel any different, and 20 isn't a huge milestone year, but nonetheless, I am old. I might look 12, but look out world, this girl is 20. I know you're all excited for another one of my lists. Here are 20 blessings and so much more on this birthday! 

I am blessed beyond measure by all of the following (but in no particular order):

1. Parents who love me and support me
2. Parents who have brought me up in the Word and taught me to live my life for Christ
3. My goofy brothers
4. A great church that employs me and both my parents-- and with this a pastor that continues to preach the Gospel! 
5. A Nana. Because everyone needs a Nana, and mine is the best! 
6. A roof over my head
7. Teachers who inspired my love of learning and who cared about me during those dreaded high school years
8. Professors who have pushed me and challenged me and made me better for it
9. A college and a town that I hold so close to my heart
10. My amazing friends who I would not be here without
11. Friendships that have lasted for 16 years and are still going strong
12. RAs and older friends in college that have loved me so! 
13. The opportunity that I've had to watch so many different little bitties in my life. I love me some babies! 
14. Potato salad and queso. I mean come on, let's be honest. Two of the biggest blessings we've all had the pleasure of experiencing 
15. Family on both sides that love me and cheer me on
16. A passion for soccer that took up a good part of my life. So many memories made
17. The opportunity to see some of the world (HELLO, PARIS) 
18. An amazing group of men and women (past and present) at church who have poured into me and loved me when I really needed it
19. Modern technology, so I can keep up with people I don't see all the time. Also for keeping me safe. I think we forget that this is a blessing in our lives that many people do not have access to
20. A Lord and Savior who is sovereign 

This weekend is obviously not all about me. It's also mother's day! I hope everyone has a blessed mother's day weekend. Hug your mamas, and hug those who have lost their mamas. 



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